Sunday, January 19, 2014

While Indians refuse to visit a hospital, unless they need to be placed on a stretcher, Americans, they say, can't get enough. In the United States, annual checkups for more than 8 percent of doctor visits, and costs the health care system $8 billion per year. Each visit takes about 23 minutes, 45 million healthy people check spent adding up to a total of 17 million hours annually.In Europe, a study showed that many routine checkups to over-diagnosis and excessive treatment of relatively mild health problems, some patients take medications for many years no obvious advantage leading led.

But with the average age of patients who diagnosed lifestyle-related diseases on the rise, and plunge heart problems the doctors are early to catch the error here. A case of "Surprise" heart attack, such as actor Farooq Sheikh and thus avoiding.

You don't wait for a heart attack, says Dr. Lekha Pathak, cardiologist. One of ten Indians suffer high blood pressure. And to be the most unaware. For people over 40, I hit on twice-yearly checks. Electrocardiogram (EKG), cardiac stress test, 2D include ECHO and biochemistry blood to blood sugar to check kidney and lipid profile.

Smokers and those that are part of a group at high risk of a family history of cardiac disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. You must start with these tests at 30.

You are often a heart attack "Surprise" those who have lived with symptoms of high cholesterol and high blood pressure, without even knowing it. This refers not to an age group or gender. But tend to have 40 percent of the patients with cardiac problems under 40.

Start Gynaec visits in mid 1920s, saying Dr. Rajeev Chhabra, gynecologist
Indian women are simply not in the habit of regularly to visit a gynecologist. Most women do not in fact go to a doctor, even though the symptom of a disease are suffering. It is always a last-minute visit, if the pain is unbearable.

You must for women over 45 catch for their bones, as menopause will strike soon. You start with the following tests: CBC, creatinine levels, SSPT and SSPT, calcium and phosphorus, USG (ultrasound), PAP smear and mammography.

Women between the ages of 23 and 30 have annual thyroid tests, prolactin, DHEA-sulphate test and ultrasound. These are purely preventive tests make sure that it no complications if they do decide to realize arise. Lifestyle disorders such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCSB) are detected at such times.

In the event that you are sexually active with multiple partners and not insist on the use of condoms, take the PAP smear test every year.

On every known diabetic is an undiagnosed, says Dr. Rajiv Kovil, diabetes
11.8 Million patients with diabetes, add the 65 million living with the metabolic disorder found in the year 2012. Sixty percent of them were part of a routine health checks, diagnosed with silent symptoms lived.

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Sheryl Salis, Gesundheit mir bis 15. Januar 2014, 12.00 Uhr IST

Wohlstandskrankheit, wie Diabetes genannt wird, bezieht sich auf Erkrankungen aufgrund der Art und Weise Menschen leben, Essen und mit ihrer Umwelt interagieren. Diabetes ist eine der diverse Lifestyle-Erkrankungen, die die Jugend von heute dicht gepackt haben.

Diabetes in Zahlen
Allein in Indien gibt es rund 77 Millionen Menschen mit Prä-Diabetes und 64 Millionen Menschen mit Diabetes, die Indien die Diabetes-Hauptstadt der Welt neben China macht. Dies dürfte auf eine satte 87 Millionen-8,4 % der erwachsenen Bevölkerung des Landes - 2030 steigen. Doch Strahlen die gemeinsamen Überzeugungen auf das ein Gefühl der Unvertrautheit mit der Krankheit, die Mörder in der Natur ist.

Diabetes aus Ihrem Haus und Ihrer Küche zu werfen
Nicht leicht nachweisbar, die meisten Lebensstil Krankheiten wie Diabetes sind heimtückisch in der Natur. Sie allmählich in Jahren entwickeln und ernste Komplikationen auch in der Pre-Diabetiker/Borderline-Bühne verursachen können. Die gute Nachricht ist, dass nur eine Veränderung der Lebensweise kann einen langen Weg in Prä-Diabetes umkehren und Kontrolle der Zuckerkrankheit.

Die prominentesten Symptome von Diabetes sind verschwommenes sehen, häufiges Wasserlassen, vermehrter Durst und Hunger, aber die Tatsache bleibt, dass das häufigste Symptom von Diabetes ist, dass es kein Symptom und es oft erkannt wird, wenn Menschen für ihre jährlichen medizinischen Vorsorgeuntersuchungen, Pre-op-Fitness-Test gehen oder eine Versicherung zu nehmen. Typ 2 Diabetes war bisher üblich, nach dem Alter von 40 Jahren. In jüngster Zeit haben Personen im Alter von 25-40 Jahren mit klinischen Symptome des Typ-2-Diabetes präsentiert wurde.

Die wichtigsten Ursachen des Typ-2-Diabetes sind Bewegungsmangel, ungesunde Ernährung Praktiken, Stress, Alkohol, Rauchen, Ängste und Genetik. Unregelmäßige Besuche beim Arzt führen zu weiteren Komplikationen; Daher ist es äußerst wichtig, einen jährlichen Check-up gemacht von Ihrem Hausarzt zu erhalten. Aus Angst vor Krankenhäusern / Ärzten / Medikamente und der hohe Kostenfaktor beteiligten Personen besuchen Sie ihren Ärzten nur einmal in eine Weile. In den meisten Fällen geschieht dies, wenn der Zustand des Patienten bereits verschlechtert hat und wenig getan werden, kann um es rückgängig zu machen. Im folgenden werden ein paar Richtlinien, die Ihr Leben für das bessere und helfen Sie leben ein normales Leben, mit oder ohne Diabetes ändern können.

Es ist wichtig, dass Blutzucker, auf einer regelmäßigen Basis und Medikamente überwacht werden und Diät ist entsprechend geändert. Es ist äußerst wichtig, den Blutzucker in der Diabetes-Sicherheitszone (80-120 mg/dl) konsequent aufrechtzuerhalten wenn Diabetes muss kontrolliert werden. Außerdem erhalten Ihre Diabetes ABC regelmäßig überprüft: A1C * (Blutzucker), Blutdruck und Cholesterin.

Man muss auch überwachen ihre Essgewohnheiten und 'right', zu essen, ohne die ist es unmöglich, Diabetes Einhalt zu Gebieten. Verhindern Sie, dass verpackte Lebensmittel wie Chips, Burger, Pizza, Konfitüren, Teigwaren usw. abhängig. Essen Sie ein herzhaftes Frühstück, moderate Mittag- und Abendessen. Kontrollieren Sie Portionsgrößen zu, Essen Sie langsam und aufhören Sie, wenn Sie erfüllt sind, nicht voll gefüllt. Es ist nicht das, was du isst, sondern wie viel Sie essen, Fragen. Mit kleineren Tellern und Schalen, hilft Ihnen Ihre Portionsgröße zu begrenzen und mäßig zu essen.

Gehören Sie 2 Portionen Obst und 3-4 Portionen Gemüse täglich. Faser durch die Wahl von Vollkorn Lebensmittel statt raffinierte Speisen freundlich zu erhalten, ganze Früchte mit Schale statt Obst Säfte. Dennoch nicht vergessen, dass auch gesunde Lebensmittel Probleme verursachen können, wenn Sie essen zu viel von ihnen. Zucker, die kostenlose Lebensmittel geladen werden konnte, mit Fett und Fett frei Essen mit Zucker, also wählen Sie die Diät Lebensmittel an, erst nach Lesen von Lebensmitteletiketten sorgfältig. Diabetes Erzieher/Ernährungswissenschaftlerin können Sie entscheiden, wie viel Sie essen sollten. TV/Internet-Zeit zu begrenzen. Schalten Sie das Fernsehgerät während der Mahlzeiten. Nehmen Sie langsame Änderungen vor, und wählen Sie eine Gewohnheit, die Sie jeden Monat ändern möchten. Statt ein Dessert können Sie z.B. für eine Frucht entscheiden. Nicht hat traditionelle indische frittierte Snacks und Süßigkeiten im Haus, z. B. Chiwda, Chaklis, Chips, Laddoos etc.. Stattdessen hat das Haus mit gesunde Lebensmittel wie Früchte und Nüsse. Haben Sie Satz-Mahlzeiten. Dies schränkt naschen und alleine essen. Erhöhen Sie die Proteinaufnahme durch mit Hüttenkäse, Linsen, Nüsse, Milch in die Mahlzeiten. Fügen Sie Gemüse Parathas, Suppen, Dosas, Poha, Upma und Idlis, der Fasergehalt zu erhöhen.

Sitzende Lebensweise mit lange Arbeitszeit, mangelnde körperliche Bewegung und stressigen Job Profil gehen einen langen Weg in Ihre Gesundheit zu ruinieren. So vermeiden Sie es, und passen in ein kleines Fitness-jeden Tag. Beenden Sie den Tag mit einem gesunden Schlaf von mindestens 6 Stunden täglich. Jüngste Untersuchungen legen nahe, dass Schlafmangel Diabetes verursachen kann. Darüber hinaus halten Sie eine positive Einstellung! Meditation und Yoga sind eine gute Möglichkeit, Stress abzubauen.

Auf einer mehr ernsthaft, reduzieren Sie Ihr Körpergewicht, wenn Übergewicht (BMI > 23kg/m2). Körperfett um die Taille (zentrale Adipositas) ist eine häufige Ursache von Diabetes. Sie sind zum Diabetes anfälliger, wenn Ihre Taille mehr als 35 cm ist, wenn Sie ein Mann oder 32 Zoll sind, wenn Sie eine Frau sind. Denken Sie daran "mehr den Gürtel, kürzere Lebensdauer".

Die American Heart Association & der American Diabetes Association empfiehlt mindestens 30 Minuten moderate Intensität körperlicher Aktivität, fünf Tage die Woche. Sie könnten einen Schrittzähler verwenden, um Ihre Aktivität (10000 Schritte gleich Kalorienverbrauch 300 Kalorien) zu überwachen. Wägen Sie die Anzahl der Kalorien, die Sie mit denen, mit denen Sie sich jeden Tag zu essen. Gewicht allmählich zu verlieren, müssen Sie möglicherweise reduzieren Sie die Aufnahme von etwa 500 Kalorien pro Tag, oder erhöhen Sie Ihre körperlichen Aktivität zu 150 Minuten pro Woche.

Wenn Sie sich entscheiden, zu trinken, tun so in Maßen, wenn Sie rauchen, ist es wichtig, dass Sie aufhören!

Lesen Sie weitere persönliche Gesundheit, Diät & Fitness-Geschichten auf

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Saturday, January 18, 2014

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AppId is over the quota
Eat nuts to prevent death risk - Times Of India You are here: Home>Collections>NutsEat nuts to prevent death riskIANS Jan 15, 2014, 12.00AM ISTTags:nuts|Mortality|heart|diseases|deaths|Cancer|almonds(Nuts reduce death risk,…)

Consuming nuts at least seven times a week can reduce risk of death from any cause by 20 per cent, says a new study.

The study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), also establishes a significant association between the consumption of nuts and a lower incidence of death due to heart diseases, cancer and respiratory diseases.

The study said nutrients in nuts, such as unsaturated fatty acids, protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants may confer heart-protective, anti-carcinogenic and anti-inflammatory properties.

"This study adds to the current strong body of evidence which demonstrates that eating nuts daily, including almonds, confers health benefits and supports long-term health. Nuts deliver many good attributes in a small, satisfying package," said Karen Lapsley, chief scientific officer for the Almond Board of California.

"Part of the reason people consuming more nuts such as almonds tend to be leaner is because may be that these nuts provide satiety.

"Satiating snacks with protein and fiber can help curb hunger pangs between meals, which in turn may helps in reducing the urge to snack on less nutritious options," said Ishi Khosla, clinical nutritionist and director, Centre for Dietary Counselling.

Cardiovascular diseases are estimated to cause nearly three million deaths per annum in India, accounting for 25 per cent of all mortality.

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January 3, 2013'Eat nuts to keep cholesterol levels in check'
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March 14, 2013IN-DEPTH COVERAGENutsTHE TIMES OF INDIA© 2014 Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd. All rights reservedIndex by Keyword|Index by Datewww.timesofindia.comFeedback|Privacy Policy|Terms of Use|Advertise with us document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + (document.location.protocol == "https:" ? "https://sb" : "http://b") + "' %3E%3C/script%3E")); COMSCORE.beacon({ c1:2, c2:6036484, c3:"", c4:"", c5:"", c6:"", c15:"" });

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Vitamin E slows Alzheimer's progression - times of IndiaYou are here: Home > collections >Alzheimer'svitamin E slows Alzheimer ProgressionIANS 16 January 2014, is 12:00tags: vitamin|Placebo|Maurice W. Dysken|American Medical Association|Alpha(vitamin E slows Alzheimer's...)

A daily dose of vitamin E may slow functional decline and reduce the caregiver in supporting Alzheimer's patients.

Researchers have found out, that alpha-tocopherol - showed fat-soluble vitamins (E) and antioxidant - patients with moderate Alzheimer's disease (AD) in clinical course slowed down to be effective.

"We the efficacy and safety of vitamin E and memantine (a drug for the treatment of moderate to severe dementia of the Alzheimer's type) in patients, which it had examined an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor (a chemical, the amount and duration of the action of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine increases),", said Maurice W. Dysken of the Minneapolis VA health care system.

The study included 613 patients at 14 medical centers. The participants received either 2,000 IU/day of vitamin E 20 mg / day of memantine, a combination of vitamin E and memantine or placebo - a substance that no medicines and prescribed to strengthen the expectation of the patient well.

They found that participants receive vitamin E slow functional decline than those receiving placebo had. Memantine neither the combination of vitamin E and memantine in this study showed clinical benefit, claiming the study published in the journal American Medical Association (JAMA).

"Since vitamin E is inexpensive, it is likely that these services are cheaper than alpha-tocopherol improves functional results and reduces the burden of the caregiver," the study concluded.

FEATURED ARTICLESPius are always the love of my life: Hrithik Roshan20 ways to gain weight fast5 natural tips to avoid hair lossmore: 5 natural tips to avoid hair loss7 day flat belly diet PlanFirst report: fans judgment Veeram and JillaTop 20 natural ways for large HairOne - Nenokkadine Telugu movie highlights10 review tips to get rid of under eye swelling ARTICLESVitamin related E can Alzheimer's disease progression
January 1, 2014Get heart smart with almonds
1 December 2012Vitamins are taken only in case of need, warns PGI...
March 19, 2012 IN-DEPTH COVERAGEAlzheimerthe TIMES OF India © 2014 Bennett, Coleman & co. Ltd. All rights ReservedIndex by keyword|Index by datewww.timesofindia.comFeedback |Privacy policy|Terms of use|Advertise with us document.write (unescape ('% 3Cscript src =' "+ (document.location.protocol == ' https: '?)"))(https://SB":"http://b") +" % 3E%3C/script%3E")); COMSCORE.beacon ({C1: 2, C2: 6036484, c3: "", c4: "", c5: "", c6: "", c15: ""});

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Do you feel SAD this winter? -Times of IndiaYou are here: Home > collections >depression, are feeling SAD this winter?Jijoe Aanchal, TNN 17 January 2014, is 11:42tags: summer|salads|meals|fruits|fatigue(you feeling SAD these are...)

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which happened in the cold months feel as dark as the desolate landscape. Here's how to fight...

Cold days hot meals, walks in the breeze and romantic weather mean can, but for some it can translate also in feelings of sadness, loss of appetite, etc. Known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or winter depression, this should occur more frequently in women than in men. And while it is not serious - SAD - so you'll feel nuts, can ruin your social calendar as you feel pulled back.

Causes and effects
The lack of sunlight to the brain additional working time and producing melatonin, the hormone associated with depression to do that. The psychologist Dr. Seema Hingorrany, says "also, what happened, if you tend you more sun on you, to be outdoors and more be active." The opposite happens in the absence of such. I had been cases where the person whole Outlook if winter early dark and grey in the evenings only, to his depression, so the cause hormonal adds to it and environmental induced is changed. Plus, the internal clock also gets affected, since the activities affected - you may not able to enjoy a walk, because it gets dark early on November 19 in the evening light. "Adds to that SAD can happen to anyone."It can affect anyone at any age and for those who already suffer due to trauma or genetic depression, this can be a trigger. "To an Office-goer, the biggest obstacle is it bad a person's life work can affect how he/she mental retardation shows cognitive decline with the screwed back."

How light therapy works
Although there are different packs how antidepressants take, after consultation with a physician, and go in Cognitivebehavioural therapy more frequently here is, should be also helpful light therapy. It uses a special lamp with a very bright light that would act like light emitted by the Sun. The body-spirit consultant, Dr Shreepad Khedekar, says "increased exposure to sunlight may improve symptoms of SAD, and research has shown that light work, the mood and increase energy again boxes." They give artificial light to mimic the Sun's rays and emit 10,000 lux (a measure of the intensity) anywhere from 2,500 lux. Light therapy must be carried out daily and is the best time to run for 30 minutes in the morning."

5 Options:
Dr. Seema shares a few tips... To keep fit as a coping intervention. Practice yoga and breathing to reduce anxiety. Proper nutrition. Keep busy with a hobby. Maintain discipline at times.

Vitamin C foods can beat the winter darkness
A report says revel in vitamin-C rich food and eating light may sunshine and happiness back into your life. Here is how...

Fatigue to beat:Consume daily recommended vitamin C values. This is important to help to support your immune system not only in the winter, but throughout the year. It can also help to contribute to the reduction of fatigue and exhaustion.

Go Grill:Grilling is known to be a healthy way of cooking to bring out the barbecue.

To make meals easier:We tend to more, especially in regard to the carbs. It increases also the calorie intake, making us more prone to weight gain. When the weather is cold and misery, many of us fill comfort food on CARB loaded, while in the summer we are much more likely to eat salads and fruit! Have a higher food intake such as beautiful when weather will help to bring back the "summer" feeling.

FEATURED ARTICLESPius are always the love of my life: Hrithik Roshan20 ways to gain weight fast5 natural tips to avoid hair lossmore: 5 natural tips to avoid hair loss7 day flat belly diet PlanFirst report: fans judgment Veeram and JillaTop 20 natural ways for large HairOne - Nenokkadine Telugu movie highlights10 review tips to get rid of under eye swelling similar ARTICLESGenes make "SAD" in winter
November 13, 2008Housewives vulnerable to winter depression: doctor
November 22, 2013Suffering of seasonal affective disorder
August 26, 2010 IN-DEPTH COVERAGEDepressionSeasonal affective disorderthe TIMES OF India © 2014 Bennett, Coleman & co. Ltd. All rights ReservedIndex by keyword|Index by datewww.timesofindia.comFeedback |Privacy policy|Terms of use|Advertise with us document.write (unescape ('% 3Cscript src =' "+ (document.location.protocol == ' https: '?)"))(https://SB":"http://b") +" % 3E%3C/script%3E")); COMSCORE.beacon ({C1: 2, C2: 6036484, c3: "", c4: "", c5: "", c6: "", c15: ""});

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Marijn Kroes, a neuroscientist at the Radboud University Nijmegen in the Netherlands discovered through strategic timing ECT bursts, they targeted and delete patient could memory of a disturbing period in his life.

"We, memory reconsolidation, where memories from"intellectual storage"every time be taken, which is used to access them call and circuits is"rewritten"again in the course of time on the brain" was Kroes cited.

To achieve this, 42 patients were prescribed the ECT for severe clinical depression had two videos represent a car accident and on the other hand showed an assault.

The patients then received electro convulsive therapy.

A day later, as a multiple-choice memory test, patients were significantly worse at remembering information.

But researchers who administers ECT memory test 90 minutes after treatment, patients showed no difference in their ability, reminiscent of the two stories.

"This suggests that therapy the time-dependent process of reconsolidation, rather than cause sudden loss of memory blocks," added the researchers.

"This is also evidence that memories in the human brain to undergo, reconsolidation and a window of opportunity there to treat bad memories" added Daniela Schiller, a neuroscientist at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York.

But the researchers explained, is more work necessary to know whether the technique works efficiently on older or more complex memories from real-life experiences.

"The ability to change these kind of memories, permanently novel, better treatments could lead" Kroes added.

The results of the study were published in the journal nature.

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New treatment for breast cancer in sight? -Times of IndiaYou are here: Home > collections >cellsnew treatment for breast cancer in sight?IS Ian's January 16, 2014, 12:00tags: women|Harvard-University|founding-Director|breast cancer therapy|Amy Brock(new treatment of breast cancer,...)

More women undergo now early tests to reveal the precancerous breast tissue.

Early diagnosis can save lives, but in reality few of these lesions cause tumors -, and doctors have no good way to predict who will.

As a result, many women are operated, which might never develop the disease.

All that may change soon.

Researchers of the Wyss Institute for biologically inspired engineering at Harvard University have discovered a new breast cancer treatment, the partial returns the cancer condition in cultured breast cancer cells and prevents the development of cancer in mice.

This could pave to handle the way for the early stages of the disease without resorting to surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, says a new study, published in the journal Science translational medicine.

"The findings open the possibility of someday treat patients who could alleviate a genetic propensity for cancer, to change people's lives and too much fear," said Don Ingber, founding Director, Wyss Institute.

Amy Brock, former Wyss Institute postdoctoral fellow, grew healthy mouse or human cells of the mammary gland in a nutrient-rich, tissue-friendly gel.

Healthy cells ensconced in the gel formed hollow balls cells similar to a normal milk channel. But cancer cells, unlike in tumor-like solid, packed balls together.

Brock RNA treated these cancer cells with a short piece of a small interference RNA (SiRNA) this block known only the HoxA1 gene, according to the study.

The cells reverse stop their March to hypercalcemia, their runaway growth and form hollow balls, such as the healthy cells. What's more, as if they were growing in healthy tissue specialized.

The SiRNA treatment stopped in a line of mice that are genetically modified to have a gene that causes all of them cancer of breast that develop cancer.

"There was no aha moment. But after enough builds evidence, consult each other and say this really hurt, "added Brock.

FEATURED ARTICLESPius are always the love of my life: Hrithik Roshan20 ways to gain weight fast5 natural tips to avoid hair lossmore: 5 natural tips to avoid hair loss7 day flat belly diet PlanFirst report: fans judgment Veeram and JillaTop 20 natural ways for large HairOne - Nenokkadine Telugu movie highlights10 review tips to get rid of under eye swelling related ARTICLESCould cancer be prevented, even before they develop?
May 27, 2013Enzyme, the breast tumors identified causes
November 20, July 23, 2009 of all cancers by a single gene causes
July 18, 2013 IN-DEPTH COVERAGECellsGenethe TIMES OF India © 2014 Bennett, Coleman & co. Ltd. All rights ReservedIndex by keyword|Index by datewww.timesofindia.comFeedback |Privacy policy|Terms of use|Advertise with us document.write (unescape ('% 3Cscript src =' "+ (document.location.protocol == ' https: '?)"))(https://SB":"http://b") +" % 3E%3C/script%3E")); COMSCORE.beacon ({C1: 2, C2: 6036484, c3: "", c4: "", c5: "", c6: "", c15: ""});

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