Thursday, March 6, 2014

Secret recordings have been made of abortion counsellors giving women misleading advice, warning that having an abortion could cause them to become infertile, develop breast cancer or even become sex abusers – what is going to be done about it? UKIP leader & MEP Nigel Farage and other members of his party have made a number of sexist remarks about women. Nigel joins Jenni to explains his party’s views on women.Rosanne Cash on how her latest album, The River and the Thread, took her on a journey through her family history.In 1983, when Jenny Molloy was 9 years old, she walked into a police station with her two younger brothers and asked to be taken into care. Girls born today are now expected to live to 105. How do we prepare for the fact that we are all living longer, and what will be the impact on our working and family lives? Katy Brand and Christina Odone share their reactions to the news that the BBC will have no more all-male panels on comedy programmes.
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